Prospective parent tours for Reception Entry to our school
We understand that choosing a school for your child is an important decision for parents to make. Our school is a welcoming and inclusive environment that serves the families of our local community and beyond. Our ethos and values underpin and drive all we do here at St Mary’s. We have a culturally diverse and vibrant community of learners and welcome children from all faiths and none.
The Governing Body is responsible for the admission of pupils to St Mary’s Church of England Primary School and admits 30 pupils to the Reception class each September.
We would love to welcome you to see our school in action so please contact our school office team to arrange a tour at a time that suits you.
Tel: 0208 397 9597
Admissions to Reception Policy
You can find our Admissions Policy here on our policy page:
Admission to Reception September 2024 – 2025
Admission to Reception September 2025 – 2026
Supplementary Forms
This form must be completed for applicants wishing to be considered under criterion 4
‘Worshipping Families’ – Children and/or their parent(s)*, who are active members of St
Mary the Virgin Church, Chessington, or another Christian Church which is part of Churches
Together in Chessington and Hook.
Supplementary Information Form for Admission 2024 – 2025
Supplementary Information Form for Admission 2025 – 2026
How to Apply for a Reception Class Place at St Mary’s
All parents must complete an application for a Reception place according to the procedure outlined below.
- You should apply online by going to Kingston Council’s admissions page. Admissions for Reception run from late September until the following 15th January. If you are unable to apply online you should complete the Royal Borough of Kingston Council’s application form which you obtain from School Admissions (by phone on 020 8547 5004 or by email to
- The supplementary form, appended to the Admissions Policy, should be returned directly to us. Please note in the event that during the period specified for attendance at worship, the church has been closed for public worship and has not provided alternative premises for that worship, the requirements of these [admissions] arrangements in relation to attendance, will only apply to the period when the church or alternative premises have been available for public worship.
- The maximum size of each class is 30 pupils.
- If the number of applications exceeds the number of places available, then the Governors will offer places on the basis of the ranked criteria in our Admissions Policy which can be found at the bottom of this page.
Here are some ideas for how you can support your child to be ready to start their learning journey with us.
Getting ready to start school
To help the children settle into reception class, they will need to be able to…
• settle happily without a parent or carer
• tell grown-ups and friends what they need
• take turns to play and share when they are playing
• go to the toilet on their own and wash their hands
• put on their school uniform, coat and shoes
• feed themselves using a knife, fork or spoon where appropriate
• tell a grown-up if they are happy, sad or cross
• know that what they do and say can make others happy or unhappy
• be curious and want to learn and play
• listen and follow simple instructions
• enjoy sharing books with grown-ups.
Learning in Butterfly Class
The wonderful thing about the EYFS curriculum is that it is specifically designed to work around the interests and needs of that particular class. We hold regular ‘stay & play’ sessions for parents to come and see what we have been learning in class. Details will be given in the class newsletter nearer to the time.
Starting each school day with a smile!
*On the way to school, talk to your child about all the exciting learning they will be doing…
‘I wonder what you will play with today.’
‘Mrs Davies or Mrs Sage will have lots of fun learning in the classroom for you’
‘I wish I could have a go on the scooters in the playground!’
*Remind them of the friends they will be seeing and what they might play with each other.
*When it is time to drop them off, say goodbye, tell them you have to go but you love them (give them a hug/kiss/high 5)
*Drop off with a smile (even if you are struggling to fight back the tears). Assure them that they will have fun at school, learning new things. If you look scared or anxious it will make them feel unsure about the situation – be the best actor you can be!
*If your child is upset, it is helpful to remind them of what they will do after school – going to the park, off to the high street, nanny and grandad picking up. Saying this in front of the teacher/teaching assistant will also help them to talk to your child about what they have to look forward to, ‘I heard you are going to the park after school. I love the swings, what is your favourite thing at the park?’ This helps to distract your child and gives them something positive to think about.
That’s not all…
Please find attached some additional information which will help you to prepare for the new school year:
- Parent checklist
- School uniform
- Lunches at St Mary’s
- Our PTA (Parent Teacher Association)
- A parent guide to promoting early learning at home.
- Activities to help your child prepare for Reception can be found via the EYFS Home website.
If there’s something missing that you want to know more about, then please do contact us via the school office and ask to speak to one of the EYFS or Senior Leadership Team. We are all here to help!