
Our Intent

At St Mary’s C of E Primary School, we believe that Maths (fluency, problem solving
and reasoning skills) are key to children’s education. We follow the White Rose
sequence of learning for our Maths curriculum to ensure that all children participate in
learning that is sequential and builds upon prior learning. Lessons develop children’s
skills and knowledge in order to enable children to become lifelong learners. We aim for
all children to engage with, and enjoy, the Maths curriculum; reducing barriers, no
matter their age or stage of learning.

At St Mary’s Primary School we aim for children to:

  • To promote an interest and enjoyment of Mathematics for all pupil groups and
    learning abilities.
  • For all children to become independent mathematicians who are confident, logical
    thinkers in order to apply their knowledge to problem solving situations.
  • Access resources to support their own learning.
  • Learn to work collaboratively listening to others.
  • Discuss their methods and learning both with adults and other children.
  • Enjoy learning opportunities that challenge thinking.
  • Calculate mentally with increasing confidence.
  • Think logically.
  • Solve problems, by becoming secure in a number of different methods and
  • selecting the one that is most appropriate.
  • Reach their best potential and become independent learners

Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFS)

At St Mary’s we use Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs) to help pupils know and remember key number facts. KIRFs were introduced to improve mathematical key fact recall across the school. Please find information about what KIRF’s are and how we introduced to all year groups below.


Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

The 99 Club