
We believe that home learning allows children to make links between the learning they do in school and other areas of their life. It provides an opportunity for children to consolidate the learning that has taken place in school as well as developing independence as they progress through primary school.

We aim to ensure a consistent approach across the school which builds gradually as children move from EYFS to KS1 then KS2 and paves the way for the home learning expectations of secondary school.

Homework will shared either via Google Classroom or it will be handed out directly to the children.

Year groups 1 – 6 provide an optional learning grid each term so that children can choose projects based on different parts of the curriculum, be this a core subject or foundation subject.

The homework expectations across the school are as follows:

Year GroupExpectations
ReceptionDaily reading practice with picture books.
Activities from one of the 7 EYFS areas, provided on the bi weekly class newsletter.
Phonics sheet work.
Year 1 Autumn:
Daily reading practice.
Weekly KIRF (key instant recall facts) practice.
Daily reading practice.
Weekly KIRF practice.
Weekly spelling practice.
Weekly 99 club challenge sheet.
Year 2Daily reading practice.
Weekly KIRF (key instant recall facts) practice.
Weekly spelling practice.
Weekly handwriting practice.
Year 3Daily reading practice.
Weekly spelling practice.
Homework bingo maps – which includes maths and English activities.
Year 4Daily reading practice.
Weekly spelling practice.
Weekly times table practice.
Weekly handriting practice.
weekly maths tasks related to classroom learning, for consolidation.
Year 5Daily reading practice.
Weekly spelling practice.
Weekly 99 club challenge sheet.
Weekly handwriting practice.
Weekly KIRF (key instant recall facts) practice
Year 6Daily reading practice.
Weekly spelling practice, using spelling shed.
Weekly times tables/KIRF (key instant recall facts) practice.
Weekly comprehension task.
Weekly handwriting/grammar practice, using letter-join.

Families who do not have access to Google Classroom are asked to speak to the class teacher to make an alternative arrangement.