Our priorities for 2022-2023
How do we decide what our priorities should be?
Each year, Senior Leaders along with the Governing Body participate in a continuous cycle of assessing
and evaluating overall school effectiveness to ensure that our school is making progress towards school
Our Christian school vision and values are what drives our intent and decision making, holding the best
interests of our pupils at the heart of these at all times.
We use a range of evidence to evaluate our effectiveness including the Ofsted Education Inspection
Framework. As a school, we consider our priorities under the following Framework headings:
Quality of education
Attitudes and behaviour
Personal development
Leadership and management
Early years Foundation Stage
Leadership and management can only be self-evaluated as ‘Good’ or better once the overall quality of
education is ‘good’. The evidence and knowledge we have of our school from our self-evaluation forms the basis of our key priorities, which we will work on as a school team during the year.
We will update parents on a termly basis with the progress we are making towards our overall priorities.
We will also utilise Headteacher newsletters as a way of keeping you informed on a week to week basis
of our curriculum development in particular.