Year 6 – Falcon class
Welcome to our Year 6 class page. This year, it will be led by Mrs Hadley with the support of Miss Lewis, the class teaching assistant. Year 6 is an extremely exciting time for all our children, as they get ready for their next step up to senior school. We work hard throughout the year to prepare our pupils for this transition, providing them with the confidence, skills and resilience they will need. The children are also given opportunities to lead, take on new responsibilities and roles across the school.
Year 6 is the final stage of Primary School and as such there is a considerable amount of consolidation of previous learning. We work hard to embed the skills and knowledge they have gained throughout Key Stage 2, as well as encouraging the children to become more independent learners.
As a school, we have high expectations for all our children and this is especially the case for our oldest pupils in Year 6. As such, we do expect everyone to work hard and do their very best throughout the year. We also believe that children will enjoy their learning and achieve their potential with both support in class and through a variety of educational experiences outside the classroom. We therefore arrange a number of trips and workshops during the year, as well as an outdoor pursuits residential trip away towards the end of the Spring 2 or Summer 1.
We look forward to working together and if you have any queries please do contact us at:
Online Learning Resources
Below are some links to the online learning resources we will be using throughout Year 6. These will help to support and consolidate your child’s learning.
Maths and Literacy (these links have separate pages for maths and English tasks)
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SATS revision
Information for parents
Book look:
- Autumn – 18th October 2023
- Spring – 7th February 2024
- Summer – 22nd May 2024
Parents evening:
- 21st and 23rd November 2023
- 12th and 14th March 2024
Falcon Class Newsletters